Italian Fashion Bloggers: “My floor is red”, interview with Nathalie Maggiori

15 Jun

I’ve already tried and introduce you the topic of Fashion Bloggers in general, now let’s see if we can dig deeper by asking some few questions to a “real” italian fashion blogger, lovely Nathalie Maggiori from My floor is red.

How long have you been keeping your blog? What does its name “My floor is red” mean?

I’ve started my first blog about three years ago writing on the platform of, then I decided to move to and this is where I decided to create “My floor is red”. Where does the title of my blog come from? Probably to my lack of imagination! I had no particular titles for my blog in mind and many of my outfits were, at the beginning, self-made photos shot at home…with my terrible red floor well exposed: that’s how I decided to make something I hated a peculiar attribute of my blog!

What pushed you to the idea of creating a blog? In your mind, you decided to put your focus on fashion from the beginning or this idea came to your mind little by little?

The idea, actually came to my mind on the way! At first my blog followed more the scheme of a diary: I talked about anything happened to me, my passions and even my personal happenings. By the passing of time I decided then to restrict my topics and give fashion a central position: this is how it’s born what many people call “fashion blog”.

According to you, what made you become one of the most followed italian fashion bloggers? What’s your secret?

Well, I really don’t know, I even do not consider myself as one of the most followed ones! 🙂 Anyway, in my opinion in order to make a blog really enjoyable and appreciated by your followers you need to cure it finely, you must post articles quite often and periodically and be willing to accept advices and critics: who writes a blog, despite the others, step forward and get involved, and shouldn’t behact with superiority, as there is no such difference with those who read! However there are also different cases of people who already work for the fashion industry and can count on a large amount of experience in the sector, so…

How did your “blogger occupation” change your relationship with fashion industry?

I’ve had the chance to meet many nice and kind persons, while others acted less professionally. Let’s say that requests of collaboration are directly connected to the success of the blog: many times those who get in touch with me just want to know about the number of visits reached by my blog per month. So we can say that most of the contacts depend on the merely “numerical success” of the blog, not caring so much about other aspects (like the effective blog quality), and this fact makes me a bit disappointed.

What do you think about the unstoppable advance of fashion bloggers? Is there a link between this new approach to “common people” by fashion maisons and economical crisis which affected heavily the fashion system?

In my opinion things are definitely changing! One example of this new wave could be Luisa Via Roma event that took place these days in Florence.

How are your relations with other bloggers? Do you collaborate with each other or you feel competition and rivalry instead?

I personally do not feel myself in competition with any other blogger. I keep my blog for a passion of mine, during my free time…I mean, for me my blog it’s fun, not a job!
Sometimes I accept to collaborate or to promote advertising banners on my blog…but not certainly for an issue of money, I only accept proposals which I judge interesting for my readers and me. I’m studying law, I see my future in the legal sphere! If anyone ever felt a threat coming from my blog (I don’t even think it’s possible), I’d tell her/him not to be worried about anything: I do not aim to any “position” in the fashion system!

Your outfits are always very original because you manage to combine perfectly designer clothes with other brands suitable for any pocket (H&M, Zara…): anyway, if you’d have to chose between 3 total looks signed by 3 different designers, who whould you pick?

Chloé – Yves Saint Laurent – Acne.

I know you’re also a super busy law student! How do you handle this whole combining fashion blogging actvity and your career at university?

Well, you can say that aloud, it’s not easy at all! Trying to combine the two things it’s sometimes really  impossible (e.g. during exams session). Anyway, I often use my blog as a solution to chill out and take a break from the tension brought by the study, to think to something else!

Thank you so much Nathalie! 🙂
ps. translation in english is made by me so if you find any mistakes…it’s all my fault (and I apologize for that!)

7 Responses to “Italian Fashion Bloggers: “My floor is red”, interview with Nathalie Maggiori”

  1. Nathalie June 15, 2010 at 4:26 pm #

    Grazie Bianca! Collaborare con te per quest’intervista è stato davvero un piacere per me!

  2. Myriam June 18, 2010 at 12:26 pm #

    bellissima intervista! go nathalie 😉

  3. thesarDorialist June 18, 2010 at 3:30 pm #

    Nathy is classy. As usual. Keep it up babe!

  4. blanchine June 18, 2010 at 4:21 pm #

    You can say that aloud, she’s the best! 😉 I’m glad you appreciate the interview!

  5. and flowers pick themselves June 18, 2010 at 10:51 pm #

    nathalie is one my faves! wonderful interview 🙂

    xo Alison

  6. Marta July 13, 2010 at 8:26 pm #

    Ti ho visto su the sardorialist e sono subito venuta a curiosare! gran bel blog,mi piace molto come scrivi!

  7. momoilgomitolo July 19, 2010 at 8:45 am #

    Bellissimo questo articolo *_*
    Davvero!! Divine anche le foto.

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